My dear little Arnold loves the blue patchwork quilt. He has a little 'mote' by his eye. Some people think these are fairies caught on film and it's more than likely that Arnold has a few fairies around him :D

My gorgeous new glass topped pins in one of my home made pin cushions.

Just a couple of the things I've snapped today with my new old camera!
Arnold! What a lovely cat. I am not surprised that he is fond of the patchwork quilt, it looks lovely and cosy.
Thank you Simone, and little Arnold is really quite fae, you know ;)
I use that lovely little pin cushion you made for me every day - it decided it would jump in my glass of water recently - it could have been worse - it could have been wine - that would have been a disaaster!
Nice quilt = happy cat!!
Thanks BB, gave me quite a giggle :D
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