Tuesday 17 November 2009


The deadline for my Business conference has slowly crept up on me while I've been off playing at chopping up clothes. EEK! How did that happen? When I sit and spread out my work, I realise that I'm not as prepared as I wanted to be. Posting may be a bit sporadic and distracted this week as I pull out my creative thinking cap and get on with the job in hand. I need to have a basic website organised and a few small examples of my art to show the business advisor.

I'm not sure exactly what I'll get out of the course, but I suppose I'm hoping to do a bit of networking and sell a few prints while I'm at it!

A little project I've been working on for a few months is coming to fruition after a few sleepless nights which had me sculpting and creating in my head. Thank you feverish cold for my divine inspiration ;) Pictures coming soon after the conference, but for now, I'll drag my unreliable attention back to my web design. :)


Bovey Belle said...

Gosh you've been busy. I'm still upholstering that chair of Keith's.

Hope you can catch up with your planned Business Plan!

Yarrow said...

I hope that chair is worth it!!!