I let him amble and sniff to acquaint himself with his surroundings, to know what his territory smells like. If, heaven forbid, that he should find himself lost, these are the smells to guide him home. Important days for him. Although, I have also taken the precaution of having him microchipped, so he'll be brought back to us eventually should he run off.

I've also been pottering and clearing up the house. Doing a little decorating and feeling most unwell during the process. I wonder if this exhaustion is simply due to stress, although the children have been unwell this week so maybe there's more to it than that!
I have a slow roast lamb curry in the oven, and a little glass of whiskey waiting for me tonight, so that will set me up for a relaxing evening :D
That puppy is very cute, I'm jelous, maybe one day. Hope you had a nice evening :-)
It must be lovely taking your excited little puppy out for a walk! I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling unwell. It probably is a mixture of stress due to your change in circumstance and to do with the changeable weather. I hope you feel better soon. I always feel better after a tidy up even if I don't feel like it during the process! x
Oh how I wish we were able to go for proper walks!! We are still nearly 3 weeks away and just popping out back isn't the same :(
I can see he is really one of the family now, and bringing you such pleasure. Give him a hug from me please!
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