Wow! What an incredibly busy time I've had of it lately. I've crammed as much into the Easter holidays as possible to try and make life a little easier when I go back to work. My time has been extended at the school, but on a week by week basis, according to their funding. They can't really afford to keep me on, but need me there so it's a case of juggling their pennies. Thankfully I'm still really enjoying the work but it's so clear that the home and field have been neglected. Hence the simplifying of our lifestyle.
I'm almost too ashamed to post this picture, so I thought distance would lessen the blow! The hen house and run are in terrible shape and the run has almost collapsed in on itself. I've been trying to patch it up, but it really should have gone last year. Rather than build a new one, we took the decision to move the hens to the field. The garden is now very tidy, but a little empty and quiet!

We were given a large dog cage last year, which is extremely strong and secure. With the electric fence around the perimiter, I feel that the hens are as safe as they possibly can be. The run is only really comfortable for 3 hens, so no plans to extend the family yet, but in the future, who knows?

They seem to like the new set up, although the sound of the crows had them diving for cover and our resident pheasant isn't too chuffed!

We have the other half of the rabbit run to let them out on the grass for a while when we are in the veg garden and in time I'll let them out to range freely in the paddocks. Again, though, only when we are with them. Foxy is around all the time and doesn't like to stick to times, preferring instead to pop up when she thinks I'm not looking!

We've had eggs from the hens, which I guess is the best indicator that things are well with them, although Lottie did try to lay one on the roof of their house, so she's still getting used to the set up!!!
Later, more of what else I've been up to this week :)