In the Pagan calender it was believed that tonight was the beginning of the wild hunt. When the horned god rides with his hounds and gathers the souls of those who linger and those who are unwary. Modern Pagans set themselves a challeng to represent the hunt and try to have it completed around the time of Samhain or very shortly after. This can be anything based around nature, as in clearing an area of litter, tending to plants or something more complicated and personal. This time of year can be as general or personal as desired. For me, my favourite all time movie is Hocus Pocus, as it sums up modern expectations with the darker more unpredictable side of magic. Often we dabble in things we know nothing about, hmmm sounds like human nature to me!
This morning was foggy and very atmospheric. I loved the little drops of water on the nettles

and Hawberries.

The Magic Road was truly magical in the mist.

Tonight, I threw on the stripes for an evening Trick or Treating!

How cheesy is that picture? Thank you daughter :)

She looked a lot better than me though. Here she is with her best friend (in the hat) :)

And then what all good Witches love at the end of the evening. Feet up with a glass of mulled wine :)

Oh, and lastly, the disappearing hamster. Magical!

Does anyone else think he's grown. A lot!!!

I hope you all had a magical evening and that the coming year brings all that you could wish for, with a safe and warm Winter ahead. May your store cupboards be full and your provisions be plenty :)