In the garden he thought the floaty stuff was a new game, but at first he just confused.

Foolishly I took a scenic route to the field and had to drive along ungritted roads, muttering and praying under my breath. The views really were spectacular though.

This one is early morning light through air heavy with snow.

And then, when the season is at it's coldest, I go and have all my hair cut off. Well, I'll be wearing lots of hats anyway, so the only time I notice is first thing in the morning, when a hat may look a little odd :D

After the first day of snow, more quickly followed and we've been snowed in for 3days. I have lots more pictures to upload and will probably do a couple of posts on the Studio blog.
i stumbled into this magical place via simone's blog (linden grove).
your snowy pics are lovely
looks like you've had more than us.
i like your hair, you have an elfin face and can pull it off short.
your doggie is adorable and looks quite young, i bet he is lots of fun.
i will go read some more of your blog now, whilst sipping my cocoa. it's always a treat to find a good writer in the blogisphere
thanks for sharing xx
warmest wishes
I love the light at this time of year. On Saturday morning everything was bright and sparkling, adn Sunday it was so soft and fluffy :-)
cute hair cut!
Yes snow is upon us and every year it takes some getting use to doesn't it- thanks for the pictures!
Your haircut is adorable! You look so young :-D
I love your beautiful misty/foggy pictures. What a wonderful area you live in!I will have to go over to your studio blog now for some more! :-)
I do love how dogs play in the snow, it is so funny! I love all these magical snowy scenes, i cant get enough of them. My boy just had all his cut off again & is feeling the cold too, but i love your new hair cut, it really suits you. Keep warm. Hope you are not snowed in too long!
That's a chic and becoming hair-cut--but I remember that feeling of parting with long hair and feeling exposed to the elements.
Dogs are so funny in snow!
Lovely hair cut - it really suits you. Are you fed up with snow yet?!!!
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