It's been a very upty downty week here at the Retreat, but one of the horrors turned into a day of loveliness. I set off for my Artist's Date, which is meant to be a day of inspiration for your inner artist child (as set out in the Artist's Way, which I've mentioned before) and it turned out to be a thoroughly horrible experience.
It would seem that any city, in fact many places, are thoroughly dire in February, and as I entered my chosen place for the 'date', a dark and heavy gloom settled upon me. It wasn't helped as I noticed that an enourmous willow tree that I used to lay under on hot sunny days had been replaced by a block of new and ugly flats. It was such a gloomy trip in fact that I simply turned the car around and aimed for the hills and the woods. I found myself in the tiny and cute village of Westbourne. The Gallery that I'd had my first experience of the snobbery of gallery owners was gone and in it's place was a shiny new shop filled with more lovlies than a cake shop! I cooed and ahhhed over all the gorgeous items and even bought a couple of yummy pieces (photos to follow) and persuaded the shop owner to let me snap a couple of piccies.

How could I choose just one item?

I couldn't, so I chose two!

Today was the exact opposite as the Artist's date. It started out with an unexpected find down a little alleyway in Petersfield. A shop filled with as many delicious delights as above, but at a fraction of the price. Oh dear, I bought another little shelfling!

There were tea pots and cosies in delightful colours and designs. Some new and some vintage,

which was definitely the charm of this shop, the old and new combined.

After a trip around a pine and recycled wood shop, we then stopped off at the wonderful 'Barn'. A haven for all things Gargoyle and Grotesque. This was great, as I want to make more Grotesques and inspiration was here in spades.

Some lovely and some not so!
A tiny Grotesque came home with us, but my heart was with a large Dragon scratching his ear! Maybe I'll go back for him :)

Sadly the day hit a bad spot when Moomin and I had a disagreement, but I know this is because she is going on a residential trip next week and our emotions are running high. Goodness, I'm going to miss her!