I've also been creating magic in the kitchen. These hob nobs were a thank you payment to my lovely son for helping me to glaze our greenhouse.

It was a long and tricky job, but now it's finished and I can grow to my hearts content. I've put a new raised bed in front of the greenhouse and although I won't be able to grow as much as I did at the field, at least we can provide fresh food for the Summer months and maybe even grow a little purple sprouting brocolli, which is my absolute favourite.

Also, dandelion wine is happening :D The recipe is on the Studio blog .

Two new household additions have livened things up a bit too. This is Cottonmouth (a character from Kill Bill), my Son's little kitty. She's pretty feisty and has taken a shine to Manchee who she's stretched out with here.

And this is Piper who is shared between myself and the Moomin . We share most of the same pets, especially when it's time to clean them out, that's when they're mine! Piper is a lot quieter than Cotton, but she's a schemer and pulls some of the funniest faces that we really believe she's plotting World domination :D

By no means least, Manchee has grown into a very handsome doglet. Still not quite an adult but far less of a puppy now.

Moomin and I at the beach with son and friends, who were behind the camera :D